24 April 2007

Making System Application Conduct Electrics Peripheral Use Digital Communications Of Parallel Port And Delphi.

Parallel port communications a lot of used in PC interface but usage of port public is to communicate with printer, modem, keyboard and displayed. Though communications function of parallel port can be used for controlling equipments of household electrics like lamp, fan and others. Hence important port parallel so central in the case of digital data communications, more than anything else at the moment, port parallel can be told becoming not good because its function have often replaced by USB ( Serial Universal Bus). This paper will explain software and hardware using function of parallel port, its application Control system peripheral of electrics able to be used in the case operation peripheral house electrics or building. Software has been designed under Windows environment (32 bit) using Delphi version 7.0 from Borland International, Inc Software.
There are two kinds of two that is software and hardware. Software control system as controller extension between computer port and network relay, while to its it consist of network controlling interfaced to relay every apparatus/peripheral of electrics which later controlled by software which installation on computer. Testing data information and transmission with varying transmission speed have been done in this experiment, while examination of hardware done at truth evocation of poured into electrics current peripheral conducted software on computer.

For download this application, an see article and other component delphi click this link: Project Delphi With Parallel Port

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